Acne and puberty almost seem to go hand-in-hand. Rapidly changing physical features, as well completely shifting hormones, all influence the appearance of skin inflammation and blemishes during our teen years. As a matter of fact, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), acne is the eighth most commonly occurring disease worldwide!
On the other hand, acne development in adults can cause intense frustration and confusion. It is not uncommon for adults ranging in age from 20-50, to develop acne depending on a number of internal and external factors. Learning how to avoid certain acne triggers can help to manage the symptoms of adult on-set acne. Here are some of the top most common culprits of acne formation:
Clogged Pores
Oil, dirt and dead skin cells can build up without regular cleansing, causing the hair follicles to clog and form acne.
Hormones can have drastic impact personal health. Physical and emotional stress can produce excess androgen hormones, which further stimulate hair follicles and oil glands on the skin and cause acne breakouts.
Especially in women, fluctuating hormone levels during times of bodily change can also influence the presence of acne. Here are just a few examples:
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Pre-Menstruation/Menstruation
- Pre-Menopause/Menopause
- Beginning/end of taking hormone- based contraceptive medication
Family History
Does your father have acne? A sister? An aunt? If the answer is yes, then you are also very likely to develop acne as an adult. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that some people do possess a genetic pre-disposition for adult acne, which increases your chances of developing acne significantly.
Certain soaps, creams and lotions actually contain a number of excess oils, causing the pores on the body and scalp to clog and skin to inflame. Researching labels that indicate a non-oil formula can help eliminate this extra hassle.
Acne can also be the side effect to certain types of medication. When being assigned a new medication, ask your physician if acne is a potential side effect. Examples of acne causing medication may include corticosteroids, lithium and anticonvulsants.
What else can help?
Living with acne decades after puberty can be a struggle. With this in mind, physicians at Texas Dermatology and Laser Specialists (TDLS) are seeking volunteers to participate in acne clinical studies. If you would like to learn more about how to get involved in this clinical study, click HERE or contact TDLS at (210) 829-5180.