Allergy Patch Testing VS. Prick Testing: Which is Best?

Allergy Patch Testing VS. Prick Testing: Which is Best?

It’s a very common thing to have a stuffy nose and watery eyes and blame it on the season changes. Or to always feel uneasy after eating certain foods and chalk it up to just needing to ease up on the cheese. However, these are signs from our bodies that an allergy could be occurring.  … Read more

The Best Food Choices for Skin Health

Best food choices for skin health

In our last blog, we talked about the impact of what we consume on our skin. In particular, individuals with chronic skin conditions are more susceptible to internal and external factors. While some can worsen symptoms, others can help. Though the needs for everyone’s skin will vary, we have some general guidelines for the best … Read more

How Diet Affects Your Skin

How diet affects your skin

The epidermis (skin) is the largest organ your body has. With many essential functions, it’s no wonder how easily it’s impacted both inside and out. While the old saying goes, “you are what you eat,” the truth is much more profound when it comes to how diet affects your skin. Diet and Dermatology Maintaining a … Read more