Measles making a comeback?

Did you know that measles is on the rise? We are experiencing some of the highest number of measles cases in the United States since the advent of the measles vaccine. This is because of a large number of individuals opting out of the vaccine for religious or philosophical reasons. Unfortunately even some vaccinated individuals … Read more

Chikungunya Fever?

Traveling to the Caribbean this summer? Watch out for Chikungunya Fever, which is spreading throughout the Caribbean. This tropical disease is characterized by fever, rash, nausea, and joint aches. It is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito so it is important to use effective insect repellants and long sleeves/pants as well as mosquito netting.

Poison Ivy

Watch out for poison ivy this summer! This is a great article from the New York Times with what to do when exposed and how to prevent the rash. Did you know that mangos and cashews also contain the same poisonous resin as poison ivy? More information here:

Sunscreen Ban

We have recently discovered that some schools do not allow sunscreen use. This is concerning due to the increased risk of skin cancer with childhood sunburns. You can read more below. Please let us know your comments on this important issue.

Oral Contraceptives for Acne?

Many people do not realize the benefits in using oral contraceptives to control acne in females. We call this “hormonal therapy” and it is FDA-approved for treating acne. There are increased risks for blood clots with these hormones so anyone with a personal or family history of blood clots should consider other forms of treatment … Read more

Tanning and Vitamin D

We often get questions about tanning and vitamin D levels. We have always discouraged tanning as a means for increasing vitamin D because of the increased risk for skin cancer. Furthermore, vitamin D can be easily obtained from dietary supplements. Now this article exposes how one tanning bed user actually developed toxic levels of Vitamin … Read more

Avoid the Burn!

As you get ready to take a beach or other outdoor vacation this summer, please remember to protect yourself and your children from sunburns! This article from the Huffington Post reminds us that just 5 sunburns between the ages of 15 and 20 increases your risk of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma by … Read more