Battling Adult Acne – Causes and How to Manage It

adult acne

Adult-onset acne is the cherry on the top of an already stressful life, it seems. Although it can be embarrassing and annoying, you are not alone. If you have had acne most of your life, you can get acne well into your 50’s. You can also get it for the first time as an adult … Read more

ACNE: The Breakout Breakdown

acne treatment

We are ankle deep in June and National Acne Awareness Month. Acne can affect anyone at any age, although this pesky skin condition is more common in your teenage years. It can also be located not just on the face, but also on your back, shoulders, and other parts of your body. Acne is the … Read more

Baby, it’s cold outside! Tips for managing acne in the winter


Summer sweat is long gone, and tis the season to enjoy cold weather, sweet hot chocolate, and a warm fireplace! During the holiday season, the last thing you want to think about is acne. Most people believe that acne flare-ups are more common during the summer months, but unfortunately this is not true. From cold … Read more

Past Puberty: Why do I still have Acne?!


Acne and puberty almost seem to go hand-in-hand. Rapidly changing physical features, as well completely shifting hormones, all influence the appearance of skin inflammation and blemishes during our teen years. As a matter of fact, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), acne is the eighth most commonly occurring disease worldwide! On the other … Read more

Acne: Possible New Treatments And Research

Dermatology & Clinical Research

Although most commonly attributed to hormone changes in puberty, acne is not just limited to teenagers. According to Medical News Today, more than 85% of people in the U.S. alone have experienced acne between the ages of 12 and 24. “Acne can occur for a number of reasons. Genetics, menstruation, emotional distress, diet, weather and … Read more

3 Reasons to participate in a clinical trial

Clinical Trials

“Why should I consider a research study?” This is a question we hear a lot during patient visits. Patients tend to show interest in research studies but are also very skeptical of the benefits and risks a clinical trial may offer. As part of the Texas Dermatology and Laser Specialists group, I’ve heard lots of … Read more